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PAM for GMP processes:

Efficient production under laboratory conditions

When producing medicines and active ingredients, as well as cosmetics, foods and animal feeds, production processes need to fulfill particularly stringent quality assurance criteria in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP). Everywhere where guidelines are applied, PAM by RÖSBERG ensures reliability and safety during each production step. At the same time, PAM provides comprehensive functions to automatically fulfill all compulsory documentation tasks in a legally-compliant form. This means far less stress in the manufacturing, traceability and statutory approval of your products.

This is how PAM ensures a precise, reproducible production sequence:

  • A secure authorization concept protects your production parameters, such as digital checklists or fixed formulas, from unauthorized interference.
  • The inclusion of instructions in the form of videos and photos gives your employees a more complete understanding of the production process.
  • Integrated calculation routines in the digital checklists, and automated logging of production values, speed up the workflow and prevent input errors.
  • Fault signals like alarms are recognized, recorded and documented automatically.
  • Thanks to the visualization of important parameters in real time and the representation of trends, you have a full overview of all the relevant data at all times.
  • The whole production sequence is recorded in signed PDF/A documents – tamper-proof, sustainable and suitable for long-term archiving.

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